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Moto Parilla, an excellence recognized throughout the world.
Over the years, Moto Parilla has been distinguished by a series of honorary acknowledgments that have demonstrated its importance at the international level.


Moto Parilla participates in the ADI Design competition, ranking third among over 350 competing projects for the Compasso d’Oro award; since 1954, the most prestigious recognition in the world of design.

Young Enterprises Alta Gamma

In 2022, Moto Parilla is awarded as the best young company in the Speed ​​sector by the Alta Gamma association, a global showcase for Italian excellence.

Moto Valley

Moto Parilla, the Perfect Blend of Past and Future In 2017. In the picturesque lands between Modena and Reggio Emilia, Moto Parilla came to life, symbolizing elegance and innovation in the renowned Motor Valley. This area, known for being the cradle of two-wheeled masterpieces and excellent engines, has always been intertwined with the history of Moto Parilla, and in 2024, this collaboration was finally formalized.